Look at this sweet girl. This picture was on one of the 5 cold days we had this year. A lot has happened since I blogged last and I think I found out why blogger would not upload the last videos of Kennedy eating, because iPhoto made them disappear somehow and now we are concerned that are hard drive might be corrupted. When I download pictures I have been importing them into iPhoto to be the good new Mac user that I aspire to be. Well, I was going to upload videos etc. and it never worked. Tonight I went into iPhoto to open the photos and it said that the photo could not be found, which is awesome since they have been deleted off my camera. I called my dad in a panic and he was unable to help me find them either which means they are gone. Where did they go?? I have NO clue, but I always go through the same steps. Another weird thing is that within an album, that was downloaded at the same time mind you, some of the pictures open and some "are not found". How exactly does that happen? here I am buying a Mac because I am tired of this stuff with Windows and all the problems that go with that and here iPhoto up and deletes some pictures that it feels like deleting. Now we have to take our computer in to see if a Mac genius can figure out what is happening and pray that our hard drive is ok. Of course when and how is that going to happen exactly. I just love to think about our expensive Mac computer on a car ride to SA since of course Corpus couldn't have a Mac store. Sigh, after much frustration and tears I am still LIVID. But here are some salvaged pictures to enjoy.
Thankfully, Kennedy and I went to San Antonio because I had a speech conference in SA. The conference was good and I got to see a good friend, Michelle, which was a blast. We had dinner every nice and got to catch up and have girl talk, I felt like an adult. But the really good news is that I downloaded pics off my camera while I was in SA. So my mom is going to download them and bring them with her next week when she comes and I am praying that most of the pictures are there.
While in SA, Kennedy went EVERYWHERE and saw EVERYONE. My mom took her to a baby shower at Wetmore where she was held by every teacher on campus I heard. Then she went to the Elam's house where Jaime and Jill came over with their kids to see Kennedy. Jaime's husband Ben even left work to come by and see her. My mom reported that she loved visiting all the people. For a while Kennedy went through the stage where she was not going to anyone she did not know, but recently she has come out of that a little bit. She still really won't smile at strangers when we are out, but at least she will go to more people than just mom and dad.
Then Nanna stopped by to see her on Friday while I was at the conference and Aunt Britney stopped by later on Friday as well. She was loved, loved, loved on.
Also while in Sa, she got to swing for the first time and you can tell by her face that it was a big hit. She was so excited!
Later, Pa and Kennedy played dress up.