Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mommy Time

I'm free!!!  Free of responsibility, free of making decisions, free to go to sleep when I want and wake up when I want.  For my birthday Kennedy and Barrett gave me a girl's trip to Dallas to see my bestie.  I was ready for some girl talk and relaxation.  Barrett and Kennedy were in SA for a wedding and so Barrett got a "little" help from Grammy and Pa.  
I got in Thursday night and Megan had made dinner for us.  It was delicious.

The next day consisted of lunch and shopping with some of my favorite people.  Then Megan and I headed on to get manicures and pedicures.

The night was complete with a dinner with my girls.  We officially celebrated Gentry's birthday.

Saturday Megan and I laid out by the pool, a favorite past time.  Then it was off to dinner.

This picture is really blurry, but I wanted it documented that we did indeed take a picture.

The trip consisted of lots of laughing, going down memory lane, staying up late and sleeping until I wanted to wake up.  But, I have to say it also was the longest 3 days of my life....too long from my family.  I missed Kennedy so bad that I physically hurt and was so excited to get home.  I would not have made it without FaceTime, which I may or may not have used twice a day.  Maybe next time I will just be gone for a day or 2.  Until of course she is throwing tantrums and talking back, at which point I will leave for a week.

1 comment:

  1. My grand girl will NOT throw tantrums or talk back! I am sure of it!!!!!(wink)
