Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sweet sweet girls

I am so grateful that we had a girl, since our good friends Tammy and Craig already had 2 girls.  Brylee and Brooklyn love Kennedy and are so sweet to her.  Recently Tammy told me this story and I wanted to blog about it so I could remember it.
Brylee was talking to her mom and trying to get everyone in her family straight.  She said, "Baby Zachery is my cousin right?" Tammy: "yes"
Brylee: "But Brooklyn and Kennedy are my only sisters."
Awwww, melts my heart.  Tammy explained to Brylee that Kennedy wasn't her sister because Kennedy didn't come out of Tammy's stomach like Brooklyn.  Brylee then said, "well I can pretend she is my sister, right?  Then Tammy told her she could and that Kennedy was kind of like a sister.

1 comment:

  1. I love that story and all three of those precious girls.
