Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Santa is coming to town

We have had a busy December full of love and fun. Kennedy met Santa for the first time with our good friend Tammy and her girls. We went on Saturday December 10th to a Santa breakfast. It sounded easy and loads of fun. I had it all planned out that I would get up early and get ready and pump before Kennedy woke up so that I could feed her faster and then head to the breakfast. But of course like any plan, it didn't work out. Kennedy did not want to eat right when she woke up (what???) and so I got her ready and we took some pictures and then of course right when I loaded her up in the car she decided she was ready to eat. So I sat in my driveway in the backseat of the car and feed her the bottle. Then we drove in cold pouring rain to go meet Santa. Once I got there I remembered that Barrett was suppose to get me some cash for the breakfast, which he had forgotten to do. So, thankfully Tammy bailed me out and paid my way. Once inside it was so crowded and cramped. Of course I am carrying Kennedy in her car seat, my big camera, my purse, her diaper bag, an umbrella, and blankets I used to cover her. I could barely get through the crowd and can't tell you how many times someone stopped and said "can you carry anything else" or "would you carry this for me?", oh people were getting a kick out of themselves. I on the other hand did not think it was so funny and suddenly regretted doing it on my own. But we made it and thankfully Kennedy was not crying during her pictures.
The cutest outfit ever, my favorite part are the socks. Thanks Grammy for my cute cute outfit.

Kennedy with Miss Tammy
Not the best looking Santa, but we didn't have to wait in a line at the mall.

On Sunday December 4th our church had a baby blessing for all the babies born in 2011. Kennedy was the youngest one there and thankfully slept through the blessing and prayer. I was just picturing all the worst case scenarios of her screaming her head off and us up on stage not being able to escape to the cry room since it was for her. She got a little Bible and a sweet prayer of blessing and love from our church family. Grammy and Pa drove all the way down that morning to be there.
I was so looking forward to getting lots of family shots at the blessing; however, shortly after the blessing Kennedy was demon possessed and so no pictures. I spent the rest of the service in the cry room trying to console my child who had missed a morning nap due to class and was not doing so well. Oh Sundays are hard on little ones and thus hard on the parents. I think the rest of the day was shot, but at least she was blessed! ha ha

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